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A new program from Donna Markussen

  • Implement strategies to create vibrant health 


  • Have the energy, mental clarity and a healthy body to do the things you love 


  • Make changes in your diet and lifestyle without having to do it on your own


  • Upgrade your emotional well-being, set clear boundaries, and prioritize your self-care, without feeling guilty


  • Sustain positive changes by changing bad habits

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Thank you for being here! I have created this program because I have experienced overcoming serious health conditions, including a breast cancer diagnosis at age forty-four, an autoimmune disease diagnosis that nearly brought me to my knees, years living with chronic full-body pain, anxiety, and depression, to living a healthy, vibrant life without the use of medications. Today, I’m happy, joyful and content, and I want the same for you!


I set out to create a program to support my book, Take Command of Your Total Health, A Woman’s Guide to Fearless Aging. This program will help aging women who may be confused about a recent health diagnosis or may want to understand how to stay healthy as they age. I talk about the difference between our Conventional (disease management) healthcare approach and why it is vital to understand the importance of Functional or Integrative Medicine to get to the root cause of our symptoms in order to heal. This can be complex, as we may not be aware of how our diet, lifestyle, thoughts and emotions, counterproductive habits and subconscious behaviors are holding us back, from the life and health we truly desire. All of that will be addressed in this course. â€‹

This program is for you if… 


  • You want to implement strategies to create vibrant health today


  • You want to have the energy, mental clarity and a healthy body to do the things you love 


  • You’ve been wanting to make changes in your diet and lifestyle, but feel overwhelmed to do it on your own


  • You want to upgrade your emotional well-being, set clear boundaries, and prioritize your self-care, without feeling guilty


  • You want to change bad habits, but have not been able to sustain positive changes on your own.

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Coming 2021

This 10-Week Program Includes:

  • Five Content Rich Online Modules

  • Coursework and Handouts to Help You Master Each Module

  • Private Facebook Group Community  

  • Digital Copy of Donna’s book: Take Command of Your Total Health, A Woman’s Guide to Fearless Aging

  • Five Intensive Live Group Coaching Sessions (Recorded For Your Convenience) 

This course is going to help awaken you to a new perspective and start creating a life that will fill your days doing the things that make you happy, healthy, and thriving in the next phase of your life. You’ll walk away with the knowledge and awareness to go from changing a counterproductive habit to create a healthy one. And when you do this, you identify with the person you want to become, not the person who is holding you back. This will transform all areas of your life, from weight challenges, relationships, finances, setting healthy boundaries, gaining more self-awareness, to gain back control of your life. 



Awaken Your Sexy, The Clock is Ticking, Time to Wake Up! 

In this module, you’ll gain the knowledge of how the body works, and the mind-body connection, when addressing your health. And why it’s imperative to address your negative emotions, the limiting stories you hold onto that prohibit you from a better perspective, the dangers of chronic stress, and not setting healthy boundaries. 


What’s Holding Your Sexy Back? 

In this module, we’re going to take a good look at how the mind works. So many of us are self-sabotaging our health and happiness because of how we think and feel, and then we attract more of what we think and feel, even when we don’t want what we’re thinking about! We’ll explore the power of the subconscious programming, and our limiting beliefs, and how we can reprogram our brain to manifest our true desires. 


Waistline CEO 

This module is considered the meat of the course. We’ll discuss the dangers of visceral (belly) fat, and how that affects your metabolism and your immune function, and how inflammation leads to weight gain and disease. And we’ll address the major food intolerances, that contribute to inflammation which leads to weight-loss resistance as well as other diseases. We’ll learn what a healthy plate looks like, portion sizes, to stop yo-yo dieting for good! 


Activate Your Sexy Body

We’ll discuss ways to get your metabolism moving again. A slower metabolism can cause weight gain, low energy, a lack of focus and mood swings. In this module, we’ll address ways to master your metabolism, to maintain a healthy BMI for longevity and healthy aging.


A New Season of Sexy, Your Mid-Life Emergence Time!

This is where we pull it all together. Being proactive is a choice! Replace the bad with the good, one by one, and you’ll see extraordinary results! Change always begins from the inside out. It begins with your state of being. And when you do this, you identify with the person you want to become not the person who is holding you back. When you see yourself as strong and confident, the world seems more giving, and ambitions seem more possible. You’ll have the energy to do the things you want to do, and then the byproduct of that is you will look and feel sexy again as you move into your later years! 

Why I Created this Course


When we’re stressed out chronically, it means we live in a constant state of emergency and survival. Also known as “fight or flight response.” When we are living this way for extended periods of time our body’s immune function is depleted. I’m not talking about one isolated instance of stress; I’m talking about constant stress. That’s when our stress response gets turned on, and we have no means to turn it off. Additionally, if we are using all of our body’s vital energy to handle a perceived threat (real or imagined), our body is left to fend for itself when we become ill. And because we have used up all of our energy storage to deal with stress, there are no resources available to help us heal. And then the ramifications of living this way, is we’re too fatigued to address eating healthy, exercising and quiet time. All the things we know we should be doing, but just can’t find the time or energy. 


There are many ways to help your body get back into balance when you know how. And when you add to that making better food choices, reducing calories and eating nutrient-dense whole foods, you’ll transform your inner and outer world. Doing this solo can be a challenge. That’s why I created this program.


When you practice learning how to calm your mind and produce more intentional thoughts and emotions, you’ll find inner peace. That’s what this course will help you achieve. Each module addresses different areas where you may have previously been accepting the unconscious stressors in your life, as a normal state. This may be why you haven’t been able to acquire total health and happiness, or emotional well-being. 


And in this course, you’re going to learn that there’s so much more than the physical parts of aging. I ask you to take a deeper look at your internal beliefs, your self-talk, your conditioned mind, your habits, and so much more. You’ll learn how the stories that you hold onto are prohibiting you from seeing the bigger picture, and you’ll also learn how your brain can either help you achieve what you truly desire... or keep you stuck in the past. Throughout this course, you’re going to see how your subconscious programming is running the show. That means even though you know intellectually that you want to eat right or take care of your body with physical exercise, or you want to stand up for yourself, set boundaries, without feeling guilty, you continually keep doing the things that are not in alignment with what you truly desire.


When you become aware of why you do what you do, you then can be proactive and take the steps I outline in this course, which will help you approach your life with a renewed sense of self, full of self-confidence, and self-love. 


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